

Netlify is a popular cloud platform that provides web hosting and automation services for modern web projects. It offers developers an easy way to deploy static websites, serverless functions, and full-stack applications. Netlify simplifies the deployment process by integrating with version control systems like Git and providing continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) workflows.

Some key features of Netlify include:

  1. Static Site Hosting: Netlify excels in hosting static websites, which are generated at build time and served as plain HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files.

  2. Continuous Deployment: Developers can connect their Git repositories to Netlify and set up automated build and deployment pipelines. Whenever changes are pushed to the repository, Netlify automatically rebuilds and deploys the site.

  3. Serverless Functions: Netlify allows developers to create and deploy serverless functions, enabling them to run backend logic without managing servers.

  4. Custom Domain Support: Netlify supports custom domain names, allowing developers to use their own domain names for hosted sites.

  5. Global Content Delivery Network (CDN): Netlify leverages a global CDN to deliver websites and assets quickly to users around the world, improving performance and user experience.

  6. Form Handling: Netlify provides built-in form handling capabilities, allowing developers to capture form submissions on their websites without setting up backend servers.

Overall, Netlify has become a popular choice for developers and teams looking for a modern, efficient, and scalable platform to host their web projects.

This website is hosted by Netlify. You can add your own domainname, has a good email handling service, and rebuilding your site goes very fast. And overall, it’s completely free!

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