

Markdown is a lightweight markup language with plain-text formatting syntax. It is often used to format text for web content, documentation, notes, and other types of writing. Markdown allows you to easily add formatting elements such as headers, lists, emphasis (bold or italic text), links, and images using simple and intuitive syntax.

Here are some examples of Markdown syntax:

  • Headers: Use # to denote headers of different levels (# for h1, ## for h2, and so on).
  • Emphasis: Use * or _ to italicize text and ** or __ to bold text.
  • Lists: Create ordered lists using numbers followed by periods or unordered lists using asterisks or hyphens.
  • Links: Enclose the link text in square brackets and the URL in parentheses, like [Link Text](URL).
  • Images: Similar to links, but with an exclamation mark at the beginning, like ![Alt Text](Image URL).

Markdown is designed to be human-readable even in its raw form, and many platforms and applications support rendering Markdown into formatted text for display. It’s widely used in places like GitHub, Reddit, Stack Overflow, and various blogging platforms as a convenient way to format content without needing to write HTML directly.

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